Baby Daddy/Baby Momma……Not!!!


Baby momma. Baby daddy. These phrases have become the labels we place on the people with whom we have children. It was always God’s intention for us to create children with our “spouse.” So if you wouldn’t consider someone to be a husband/wife; then you probably shouldn’t have children with them. In this day and age we are creating legacies of divorce, neglect, adultery, abandonment, and irresponsibility. We are the most important role models for our children and younger generations. Although thousands of children have already been born into “situationships” that are not so ideal; we still have a fighting chance to break the generational curses that bind us.

Gentlemen, you are supposed to be living in accordance to God’s will for your life. I understand and recognize all the things that hinder you, try to break you and keep you stagnant. Stop allowing the simple act of sex to be the reason you are forced into a ‘not so simple’ parental partnership. The woman you have children with should at the very least share the same views on parenthood. Let’s work on becoming God fearing, strong, and reliable men. This way, your sons/daughters will see you as a positive, influential role model.

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! We have got to do better! Have you ever noticed that when you are intimate (not sexual) with a person, there is a lot of talking and communication going on? It is during these times that your soul is connecting with the soul of your partner. You have an upper hand in creating life. You are the virtuous women and must always elevate yourself as such. Set a high standard and stick to it! We cannot keep allowing our bodies to be used, abused and disrespected. There is nothing wrong with dating and talking to people, but in no way, shape or form should we simply accept being someone’s “baby momma.” Your children’s stability is as strong as your weakest moment. When you breakdown, they see and feel everything you are going through. Let’s work on solidifying your foundation BEFORE bringing a child into this world.

At this stage in my life I expect to be treated with love, kindness and respect. I am my parents’ daughter and expect to be addressed by the name they have given me. I too had a child out of wedlock but I made sure that the next time around I would try to live right and be married to the father of my second child. From my marriage I bought 3 handsome boys into this world. Sadly our marriage has fallen apart, but we still do our very best to co-parent in a positive and loving way for the sake of our children. I now know that everything isn’t meant to be, but I must hold on to the hope that God has promised me.

For many of us, the children are already here. So going forward let us teach them the importance of self-love and respect for one another. Teach them the importance of abstinence and waiting for the right time to bring children into this world. Our children are strongly relying on the foundations and legacies we set before them. Seek God and He will solidify your foundation.

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High God. Help us to rebuke the enemy that tempts us. Break the generational curses that bind us! Create in us hearts of selfless, unconditional love. Help us to respect our minds, bodies and souls. Bless the children that have been created regardless of the relationship between their parents. Help each man to stand up and accept responsibility for the children he has fathered. Create in him a heart of accountability, prayer and ministry for the sake of his children and their mothers. Help each woman to know the value of her self-worth. Help her to create a kind, peaceful and loving environment for her children and their fathers. Help her to respect the father of her child as a man. Help her to pray for him constantly and consistently. Let us all be mindful of that fact that we should pray for EVERYONE regardless of our personal feelings. Help us to abide by rules and laws set before us by You Father God. We honor and praise You as we proclaim these things, Amen!

The Lost Ones


We are living amongst generations of lost ones. As a single mother I am forced to protect my children from the world in the absence of their father. His irresponsibility has caused heartache and stress to his unsuspecting children and their mothers. With everything that we see on the news and deal with through society, it is becoming much more difficult to raise children.

 There are some parents who live carefree and do not put the needs of their children ahead of their own selfish needs. Each situation varies, but it all boils down to our accountability as parents/adults. There are so many reasons why it is important to be mentally, spiritually and physically present in a child’s life. Children live what they learn. The values we instill in them are the pillars that will strengthen their foundations.

We can begin by creating a loving, peaceful environment for our children. Sometimes as parents (especially single parents) we become overwhelmed with taking care of everything on our own. Let’s be the role models they need in order become upstanding citizens in this life. We can also reconsider what music we listen to, what words we speak, who we associate with and how we carry ourselves as a people. We are their greatest influence! So let’s be greater than any expectation!

I have been placed in a position where I am the sole provider for my children. I provide their food, shelter, and clothing. But most importantly I am teaching them the importance of spirituality and prayer. I never want my children to take for granted their (lives) gifts and blessings. Despite the actions of their absent father, I remain steadfast in having the children pray for him as well. There is a greater underlying issue within him that is beyond our understanding. We cannot judge him (or any absent parent) for they know not what they do. We can however seek God for guidance, strength and stability. Let’s say a special prayer today for the parents/adults that have a civil and emotional responsibility to their children. These children did not ask to be here, so let us all try our best to set a reasonable standard of accountability and responsibility.

Prayer Suggestion

All honor and praises to the Most High. We ask that You bless the lost ones today. Create a safe haven where they can find shelter and hope. Rebuild all broken homes. Remove all ignorance, fear and doubt from our hearts. Help us to be accountable for the actions and words that we place into the atmosphere. Bring forth an intercessory team of positive, influential role models to the children of the world. Please renew the strength and courage of the parents/adults that are raising children on their own. Only You know the desires of our hearts. Enrich us with the necessary tools to be our very best.  We honor You as we proclaim these things, Amen!


Welcome to Lola The  The earth needs a certain amount of water, fertilization and sunlight to produce harvest. A car needs not only gas, but it also needs oil, anti-freeze and other important fluids and parts in order to run properly. The human body needs water, food, rest and many others things in order to live. The spirit needs prayer, tranquility and meditation in order to refresh and renew itself. These things are what we call balance. There are specific elements we need in order to replenish ourselves. Life can often overwhelm us to the breaking point. We are absorbing so much negative energy by what we read, listen to, and watch. For every bad situation there is indeed a greater blessing waiting for us. I know that we have no control over everything, but this is your life! You can change the things that you do control. People will disappoint us, disrespect us and abuse us. But only if we allow it. We must seek balance. For every action we must control how we react!  Seek happiness and contentment within.

Personally I feel content with my current situation. I am a single mother and will remain that way until God sees fit. I struggle and suffer at times, but over all I am feeling complete again. People who were once a part of my life may have already served their purpose. Others are still there for a reason or a lesson that I have yet to learn. I have a loving family, amazing children, an awesome group of friends, a decent place to live and a steady job. Most importantly I have my God. He has spared my life today and for that I am grateful.  I find balance by praying, writing and sharing my life with others. I am no longer allowing ignorance, anger or animosity to overcome me. Through experience I am gaining knowledge of self and creating my own personal balance. This is my journey to do as I may. Just on the horizon I can see joy, peace and fulfillment. Some may have tried, but no one can ever and will never walk in my shoes. Through hard work and perseverance, I am here by God’s grace. Looking back on my life, all I can say is Thank God!

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for allowing us to gain experience in all situations. Create balance in our lives so that we may reach a better understanding of this thing we call life. Help us to become more knowledgeable of ourselves and others. Create in us hearts of love, peace and balance. We give You all the praise and glory. Amen!


This is Your Time


Time is something that will not always be on our side. There will be late appointments, missed opportunities and early arrivals based on time. It is something that we cannot get back once we lose it. Many of us have regrets because we failed to make up time that we could have spent with friends or loved ones.

This is your moment. It is time to live within the moment. Embrace the ones that you love and care about right now. Things can often happen between you and others that will create a gap or loss of valuable time. Stay focused on the moment you are in and live abundantly because tomorrow may never come. I realized long ago that life is full of unpredictable change. Every moment will not be full of happiness, but you can do your best to enjoy each moment. Release anger, aggression and bad moods. Create a life of love, joy and peace. God intended for all of us to live abundantly. It is up to us to embrace and create happiness even if it’s only for a moment.

Prayer Suggestion

All praises and honor to the Most High. We acknowledge and accept the time You have given us. Help us to live vicariously through You. Allow us to be more humble and graceful when dealing with others. Help us to embrace our loved ones as much as time will allow. Create in us clean, harmonious and forgiving hearts. We give you all the praise and glory. Amen

Love Me

1457599334489Love me for my mind and its brilliant ability to attain knowledge

Love me for my heart and its strength to love unconditionally

Love me for my spirit and its resilience to grow in faith and humility

Love me for the color of my skin and its beautiful array of melanin

Love me for my hair because it’s thick, shiny and naturally curly

Love me for my eyes because they are the flawless keys to my soul

Love me for who I am and not who you think I should be

Love me for who I am because as a human, I am a beautiful reflection of You


Celebrating Celibacy


1 Corinthians 7:9
But if they can’t control themselves, they should go ahead and marry. It’s better to marry than to burn with lust. (NLT)

1 Corinthians 6:18
Don’t be immoral in matters of sex. That is a sin against your own body in a way that no other sin is. (CEV)

1 Corinthians 6:19
You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. (CEV)

There have been various times in my life that have bought me to this place of celibacy. Whether it was the separation from my marriage, bouts of depression or losing my mother; sex is just not a priority for me. As I get older physical sex is no longer enough. I have fallen into that trap way too many times when I was too immature to understand my mind, body and soul. This passage is very personal, but I am sensing that many of you are in similar situations. I hope and pray that you can use this as a tool to help you get to a more disciplined, loving and peaceful place.

Do you remember the first time you knew what sex was? Better yet; do you remember how old you were and how you found out what it was? Unbeknownst to my parents; I was introduced to sex in a morally inappropriate way. (I explain this better in my book that will hopefully be published by year’s end) So inappropriate in fact; I cannot reveal what age I was at the time. Just know I was way too young. I was completely oblivious to sex and all the emotions that come with it.

As I grew up and started to mature, natural feelings of closeness and intimacy began to grab my attention. Obviously because I was young I didn’t have full knowledge of the difference between sex and love. These two very important emotions go hand in hand; but often we indulge in both without them truly being in sync. So many teenagers would partake in things because everyone else is doing it, peer pressure or even fear. Just because we may be growing in age; it doesn’t mean that our minds, bodies and souls are advancing concurrently. We are often placed in positions to make split second decisions about sex and love.

My story is no different. I spent my life spiritually developing myself while completely ignoring my true wants, needs and desires. I allowed my emotions to be based purely on a physical need. I eventually had my first child at 18 by a man I didn’t like much less love. Thousands of young girls followed this same path. There have been countless children born to parents that barely knew the meaning of love, sex or each other. Many of these encounters were only about sex. Sadly the children born of these situations suffered the enormity of its consequences.

Fast forward to today! I am a completely different woman! Sex and intimacy are very important to me. But not more important than God, spirituality and unconditional self love. After a brief relationship last year, I entered back into celibacy. Prior to this relationship I had been celibate for about a year. Not necessarily by choice, but indeed by a greater need to heal. Without sex as an obstacle I am so much more peaceful and content. Preserving my body is much more important than falling into the arms of sex and lust. I will not forsake what I have worked so hard to protect. Sex without love is not an option!

 In this day and age we cannot keep allowing different people to ravish and condemn our spiritual temples. When you become intimate with someone you have to consider everything that comes with it. You are essentially sleeping with everyone they have slept with; this includes their drama, their spiritual baggage and God knows what else. Think about the enormity of sleeping with every person who ever had sex with your boyfriends, girlfriends or booty calls of the past. Truth is, having sex with someone else after a break up/difficult time will probably make matters worse. Through prayer, discipline and meditation we can learn how to physically and mentally cleanse this sexual clutter. Allowing your physical body to direct your emotions is a sure way to keep driving down the same dead end road. In a perfect world the expectation is to only have sex with your spouse; the fact is not everyone in this imperfect world will be married. One way to cleanse, refresh and renew yourself is to stop all sexual contact for at least 4 seasons. Take this time to reestablish your spiritual foundation.

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for allowing us to see this moment. We thank You for the gift of sexual morality as a way for husband and wife to love and honor one another. Please help us to remove all feelings of fear, promiscuity and sexual immorality from our spiritual vessels. Please be a stronghold as we continuously surrender to weakness when trying to abstain from sex.  Please guide our thoughts, actions and words. Place in us hearts of peace, self love and reverence. Let us not be lead by the flesh but rather by our cleansed spirits. We give You all the praise and glory. Amen


Our Future Movements

chat Lola The Movement: 

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

History is constantly repeating itself. Who we are today represents who the younger generations will become. If parents/role models are condescending, mean or negative it will create a defense mechanism within a child’s soul. If a child is being ignored and not uplifted, it will supress their spirit. The image we portray will reflect how our children will portray themselves.

As parents, we are the first teachers that our children will encounter. It is our responsibility to raise our children and future generations in a positive, loving and uplifting atmosphere. Personally, as a single mother I struggle with all the required tasks necessary to sustain my family. Because of this I often forget how much my children need my guidance and love. I have taught my children how to pray and why spirituality is so important.

Children and young people need our accessibility, accountability and assurance in order to help strengthen their foundations. Even if you aren’t a parent you have the ability to help mold a child/young person. We are built with unconditional love, compassion and dignity; so helping to instill these values in others should come naturally. Whether it is our niece, nephew, Godchild or child; do your best to direct them in a positive direction. Because of the abundance of children born of multiple relationships, we are sometimes put in situations where we must mother/father some else’s child. Always put your best face forward and be a positive, influential role model. They need us to encourage them, nurture them, and love them unconditionally. This is how God loves us and He wants us to love the children that same way.

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High. We thank You for this moment. Please help us to be better role models for our children. Bless every mother, father, aunt, uncle, grandparent and role model with the right words to guide our young people. Encourage our children to be good to one another. Help them to realize their worth every time they feel like falling down. Remove all anguish, heartache and despair from these children Father God! Cover them from the crowns of their heads to the soles of their feet! Help them to abide by human laws but; most importantly to abide by the spiritual laws You have set in place. We rebuke the enemy that tries infiltrate our families/villages! We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!


Better than Bitter

Have you ever bit into a bitter piece of fruit? It hits that nerve right under your ear. It is uncomfortable, often painful and most importantly it doesn’t taste very good. The same goes for people when we harbor bitterness towards others. It is not only unhealthy, but it is downright exhausting. When we forgive a person for any reason, the bad feelings should cease to exist right then and there. 

In today’s society (especially in social media) we have adopted catch phrases like “you are a non mother—— factor” or “b—- don’t kill my vibe”. We are literally living by these phrases. When will it end? When is enough actually enough? As humans it’s normal to have disagreements. But some of us are so bitter that months later we keep stressing over those same issues. Let it go! We shouldn’t be carrying bitterness, anger or animosity  towards anyone. Whether the issues are resolved or you agree to disagree; these things should be released from your spirit. It creates negative energy within that will eventually darken our spirits and harden our hearts. The practice of forgiveness, fasting and prayer are lifelong journeys. It takes faith, endurance and dedication. Embracing and nurturing our most positive self will get you to the next level. The quality of our lives depend on what we intake and what we put out. Preserve what is good, release what is negative and reap the greatest reward! A sweet, happy and abundant life!

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for the ability to recognize right from wrong. Help us to see the best in each other and not carry bitterness or anger towards one another. Help us to remain faithful to You. Continue to teach us how to be positive role models for ourselves and anyone we encounter.  We give You all the praise and glory. Amen

Choose Wisely

Life gets complicated from time to time. The outcome may not always be in our favor. Sometimes we get entangled with negative people and the toxic energy they create. By absorbing this energy we can unintentionally deposit it into our relationships with others that likely don’t deserve it. We are constantly battling with our friends, family and the ones we love. It is time that we consciously decide that certain people are not worth the added stress.

I have learned so much about people in my lifetime. I learned that I must work on myself first and stop allowing people to dictate who I am as a woman. I am intelligent, beautiful, well rounded and spiritually charged. No weapon forged against me shall prosper. God has reassured my faith. I do not need to prove anything to anyone, but Him and myself.

As sure as seasons change, so will the people in your life. Not everyone is on “your team.” In some cases we must wish people well and allow the separation process. Start by minimizing the people that are in your midst. Create a tight, unbreakable bound within yourself that no one else can infiltrate. When you get to the end of this life, you cannot bring anyone with you. This is your journey to enjoy as you see fit. You can either make it a joyful one or live unhappily ever after. Be accountable for your “energy.” Become that person that lights up the room when you enter. Always remember that if God is “for you” who can be against you. Ultimately the choice is yours. Live a happy life or miserable demise. Choose wisely!

Prayer Suggestion

Most High God we thank You for this moment. Remove any one/thing from our lives that are not conducive to our spiritual growth. Help us to wish others well and move forward. Create peaceful environments within us so that we can create and sustain solid foundations. Help us to live within the moment so that we can live life to the fullest. Thank You for being a patient and understanding God. Help us to recognize our mistakes and learn from them. Help those of us who are natural communicators. Create in us the right words and thoughts to peacefully emit into the atmosphere. Help us to be mindful of others and the importance of their feelings as well. We give You all the praise and Glory, Amen.

Fathers Needed

Man. Husband. Father. These were God’s main intention when He created man. Today we have dads, baby daddy, dead beat dad, etc. As we embark on father’s day I am compelled to speak about the importance of being a father even if you don’t have children.

A father by definition is: a male parent; a person who founds a line or family; forefather; any male acting in a paternal capacity related adjective paternal; often capital a respectful term of address for an old man. A male originating something. A leader of an association. A LEADER!

A man is supposed to be the head of a household! A role model to say the least! I completely get that men are often bashed by each other, women and society; but that is no excuse for not taking care of your responsibilities! You plant the seeds that create future generations. You are the creator of a race! That alone is an honor! Can you please explain why you do not present yourself as HONORABLE!? You are setting poor examples for the young men we are raising and the young women they will one day marry! It is time that we get it together! The examples we set are critical to our future generations. I am a woman and can never speak from the perspective of a man. I will never be a father. But I do take on responsibilities that a father should be doing. The reality is our men are allowing oppression, failure and generational curses to dictate who they are destined to be! In the name of Jesus I rebuke all things that burden our men! I proclaim the chains of the generational curses be broken! I am asking all woman to pray for our men! Regardless of the relationship with men or fathers of your children; our jobs are to uplift one another!

Today I uplift my children’s father! I lift him up spiritually and speak peace, love and blessings over his mind, body and soul! I ask You Father to please surround him where ever he stands in this moment and place his children in his heart! I pray that no weapon forged against him shall ever prosper!

For the men who are good fathers I applaud you! I thank you for your hard work and dedication to being a man first and then a father! For the men that have no children but are raising another man’s children I applaud and thank you! To the men who are helping with children whose father has died due to illness, or violence or who is incarcerated I applaud you and thank you!

I want to give a special thanks to my brother in law Adonis who has helped me with my sons since he was 17 years old. My son in law Cedric who is an amazing father to my granddaughter and great big brother to my sons. I want to thank my brothers Jovanny and Ruben Jr. who also help me with my sons even though they have children of their own. I am asking God to work on both of you so that you can build a good line of communication between you and the mothers of your children. And to my father Ruben Williams Sr. who suffered a stroke 13 years ago and is now partially paralyzed. Daddy I cannot thank you enough for loving me and my siblings, our mother and our children. You inspire me to be a better woman and mother. I will always be a daddy’s girl. You and mommy are truly the loves of my life.

Father, in the name of Jesus we thank You for this moment. Thank you for the creation of man and his ability to multiply and produce life. Bless the men all over the earth and the races they create. Assist them in all areas of their lives. Place compassion in the hearts of women so that we may uplift, nurture and protect the heart of our men. Create in us hearts of empathy so that will not tear down our men. In the mighty, mighty name of Jesus, we proclaim these things, AMEN