Black Identity


“May your soul be absent of color, but present of love ♥”

– Lola the Movement

Black is the darkest of all colors. It is where mystery resides. It is the color thieves wear to make themselves inconspicuous. Historically it became how people of a darker complexion or of African decent were identified. This 5 letter word; by definition also means harmful, soiled and threatening. But scientifically black is the absence of color. Regardless of that scientific fact; society has turned the word “black” and associated it with all things negative.

Since the beginning of time our blood, sweat and tears have built up this country! We have planted and sewn countless seeds that have produced endless harvests! As a token of appreciation for all our sacrifices to this country; we were given the shortest month of the year to celebrate our cultures and history. Historically we have been mistreated, misunderstood and often undereducated. There was actually a period of time where it was illegal for “black/colored folks” to read or write! Our lack of self knowledge left us stagnant in history for centuries. I completely understand that the conception of these injustices occurred decades ago. BUT it will forever be OUR history! No amount of time will ever erase what has already been done to us! This country teaches us that we are one nation under God. How true is that statement? What I mean is; did the people who abused, kidnapped, raped, beat or condemned us ever believe that statement? Prejudice and discrimination are learned characteristics. Sadly these characteristics will more than likely be permanently etched into to this country’s quilt. Beneath the pigment of our skin, we are all human and should be treated equally. We will never stop fighting for equality! We are just as important as our fair skinned counterparts. Truth is they are the colored ones; scientifically speaking that is..

Let this be yet another history lesson for all of us. We are authors. We are writers. We are presidents. We are first ladies. We are fathers. We are mothers. We are sons. We are daughters. We are proud of our culture and heritage. We are creating history with each passing moment. What legacy are you building for future generations? We are better than the stigmas that society has placed upon our shoulders. We are strong and have the ability to leave positive impressions in history. Regardless of what has happened in our former days; we can make a difference in our latter days.

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High God. Thank You for allowing us to see this day. Thank You for creating so many different cultures in this beautiful world. Help us to respect our own culture; as well as every culture under the sun. Help us to respectfully perform the proper due diligence when dealing with others. Create in us hearts of resilience, forgiveness and reciprocity. Continue to stay in the midst of every storm. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!

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