Practice the Art of Love

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 1 Corinthians 13-8

Sometimes our feelings can get the best of us. We can’t get along with co-workers, children are misbehaving, spouse is annoying and our friends are on our last nerve. Nothing seems to be going the way we planned. There is hope that we will emerge unscathed from the grips of bad relationships. When there is tension amongst one another it is a difficult task to get back to a happy, content place. Harboring these feelings will only make matters worse. It creates strife, stress and even illness if we allow it to consume us. The fact that we are all different makes it virtually impossible to fully agree with anyone.

The only way to get to a “good place” is to practice the art of love. Love is the one feeling that naturally covers a multitude of sin. Try being kinder, laughing more and smiling often. Always show gratitude for the life you were blessed with. (Remember some of us didn’t wake up this morning) Nothing can replace the feeling that love creates. And I don’t mean physical love. I mean that undeniable, beautiful sensation that resonates deep within. It is so powerful, you can barely contain it! When you love someone you want to scream it from the rooftops!

It is imperative that we do our best to have a reasonable understanding of ourselves and others. When we love ourselves more than the fights, arguments or disagreements; we are proving love’s ability to conquer all. When we love others we are showing God we are following His order for our lives. Releasing negative energy through meditation can create a peaceful sanctuary within. Smiling has been scientifically proven to release endorphins into the blood stream that naturally make you happier. Life is not always going to bright sunshine and rainbows; but trying to find the good in all situations is a great start! Stop holding grudges! Stop allowing the actions of others to steal your joy. We are all human and we all sin and make mistakes! Be forgiving because God has forgiven you. Be a positive influence to others! And above all else, always remember to LOVE.

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for loving us unconditionally. Help us to love one another as You have loved us. Create in us pure, kind and empathetic hearts. Help us to forgive others wholeheartedly.

Lola the Movement

Looking Back; for Reference Only

For the past few years this has been my testimony. Give or a take a few changes here and there. Although I understand that life will bring change; it can still be difficult to accept. My purpose on this earth is to encourage and counsel as many people as possible. My hope is to be surrounded by loving, faithful and positive people.

I want to share a little bit about my journey. I consider myself blessed and anointed in the name of Jesus. As I look back on my life and I think about all that I have lost; it’s by God’s grace that I am still standing. I know that often when you lose something in life it is for a greater purpose.

My childhood was abruptly taken from me; but in return I gained maturity. I wasn’t always a model teenager which caused me to lose precious gems; in return I learned the value of my mind, body and soul. I lost my sense of direction as I become a young adult; in return I gained my first child Ambrojah. Having her has molded me into who I am today. Although we may not always see eye to eye; she will always be my first love. I lost my independence; in return I became a wife. I lost track of who I was as an individual; in return my marriage ended. Of that loving union, I gained my 3 handsome sons. Words cannot express how blessed and happy I am with my boys. Marley, Jahde and Matteo are my reasons for staying young and active! I have lost some friends along the way and although I still have love for everyone; it helped me to gain knowledge of self. Anyone who knows me, knows the strength and power that resides within my spirit. I am ever so grateful for my life and will not let my mistakes or the errors of my past dictate my future.

Who I am today: I am a child of God. I am a woman. I am a daughter. I am a sister. I am a mother. I am a friend. I am a person who believes in God and His ruling over my life. I am blessed beyond words. As I embark on my 40 something (I’m really 25 in my mind) year of living I have gained so much truth, so much love and so much knowledge of who I was, who I am and who I will become. My gifts are vast and plentiful and I intend to share those gifts for as long as God sees fit. I am humbled to be the administrator of such a powerful prayer group, my upcoming book and my Lola the Movement blog. It is my sincerest hope that you all tap into your inner self and find the “truest you.” This new chapter of my life, will be so much better! I intend on living up to God’s expectation of my life and journey. I will no longer allow my past to dictate who I am today. I will forgive regardless of how I am treated. I will insist on being respected, loved unconditionally and honored just for being me! The best of my life is yet to come!

I would like to thank each and every one of you for being such a special part of my journey. I am often inspired by talks and conversations with so many of you. Let us continue this walk in accordance to God’s Will!

Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for this moment. Thank You for being an omnipresent force in my life. Thank You for being so patient with me and forgiving me of my sins. Create in me a clean mind and heart so that I can focus on the more important things in life. I look forward to better days. In the name of Jesus, I proclaim these things in Jesus name. Amen!

Their Absence

There are invisible burdens being placed on the children of single parents. These burdens may not always be tangible, but they do exist. There are stigmas filled with lies, hate, anger, distrust and heartache that has built up over time. The absence of the other parent has wreaked havoc on our minds, hearts and spirits. There are probably hundreds of reasons why the absent parent has abandoned their responsibilities; like financial hardships, infidelity guilt, immaturity and even generational curses. Even though we love our children unconditionally; a major dilemma is learning how to separate the animosity we have built towards the absent parent. We unintentionally plant seeds of negativity, stress and hurt into our children.

 Pray for a clear line of communication with the other parent so that the children can see your ability to communicate in a healthy manner. It sets the foundation for their future relationships. Speak kindly, lovingly and positively to your children regardless of what you may be facing internally. You may be all they have so do your very best to be kind and gentle. I can’t promise that every day will be sunshine and rainbows, but every moment you have together is a blessed honor and privilege. In this world of imperfections, continue to share that perfect love that resides in your heart! The end of each day is preparation for their beautiful tomorrows; so close it out with a prayer. Since tomorrows aren’t guaranteed, make it right in this moment.

Good Harvest

“You get what you give.” How many times have we heard that? In my time on this earth I have learned a great deal about people. One of the most important facts I have learned is that the only thing you will ever truly know about someone else is what they tell you. But when you are spiritually connected to another person, you will begin to learn what resides in their heart and soul. There is a magnetic connection when spiritually connected to another person.

For the most part we are taught to love outwardly. Saying ‘I love you’ has become almost like a simple ‘hello.’ As if we are trying to prove to everyone else that we love someone. It is when we nurture our inner selves that we begin the process of reciprocating love to others. It can be challenging to entwine attitudes, demeanors and personalities. In order to truly love others we must first love ourselves wholeheartedly.

Our truest loving selves are born of the goodness we intake and the positive energy we put out. We are all guilty of being moody, but you can curb negative emotions by replenishing your spirit as often as you see fit. Do your best not to allow the negativity of others to enter your realm. Do not allow the actions of others to determine your mood. If even for a moment, this behavior is self destructive. We may not see it like this, but overloading yourself with negative energy can wreak havoc on you; both mentally and physically.

This is your life. Life it to the fullest! Each moment you live is another opportunity to renew your spirit. You determine what takes up space in your mind and soul. Do your best to plant and sew good seeds so that your harvest is an abundance of greatness!

Love Journey

There was a time when all she could do was think of ways to love you. She has given you her heart not only for a season but because you were her reason. She wanted to share with you the purest love her heart could release. If her love could be measured by color; from her bosom floats warm hues of red, deep burgundy and royal purple. She entrusted you with her deepest feelings for safe keeping. She never doubted your ability to elevate her love and devotion. You were the love song that played in her heart over and over again.

Lately she noticed that things were changing. Suddenly that sweet love song was being played on every station. What once was sacred is now quite common. You were very necessary for her high expectations of unconditional love. Only time will tell where her heart leads her now.

She has released you back into the atmosphere. You will no longer be joining her on this love journey. She realizes now that she doesn’t need to look for love. She exudes a love so brilliant that others pray for it. She is mastering the gift of patience. Because somewhere out there is the bass to her clarinet; waiting to create powerful, sweetly harmonious love music with her. #lolathemovement #lolaquote #lovemusic

Unlearned Lessons

I will not adjust myself to reach anyone’s level in order to get my point across. I am gifted and extremely blessed. The life I live today is the legacy my children will see tomorrow. I don’t ever want my children to see me cross boundaries I should never have set sights on. There are rules and laws of life that we have become conditioned and accustomed to following. Do not follow the crowd! Do no partake in things you will regret just because everyone else is doing it. Walk in accordance to God’s will for your life. We all sin, but let’s not be ignorant to clear signs of deceit and betrayal. An unlearned lesson is like a wound that will never heal. Find the lesson!! Harvest the knowledge from said lesson for future reference! Bandage the wound!! Begin the healing process! #lolathemovement #lolaquote #lolainthecity #knowledgeispower

My Words

These feelings resonate deep inside of me.  Creating warm, sensuous waves throughout my mind. Each one intricately placed exactly where I need them. Some beautiful like decorations that adorn a tree. Others are rough and rugged like rocks blanketed by salt water on an ocean’s shore. As each emotion transfers from the depth of me to my fingertips; its like fireworks exploding on a blank canvas. These are my words.. They are my hellos, good byes and sweet love phrases. They are powerful and full of magnetic pulls that draw you close to me. My hope is that my words will comfort you and give you indescribable pleasure and encouragement. They will live far beyond spiritual maturity. Inhale them and place them in your heart for safekeeping.

Wounded Lessons

Repeat after me…

I don’t have to stoop down to anyone’s level to get my point across. I am gifted, talented and blessed. The life I live today is the legacy my children (future generations) will see tomorrow. I don’t ever want my children (future generations) to see me cross boundaries I should never have set sights on.

There are rules and laws of life that we have become conditioned and accustomed to following. Do not follow the crowd! Do not do things you will regret because everyone else is doing it. Walk according to God’s will and intentions for your life. We all sin, but let’s not ignore clear signs of deceit and betrayal. An unlearned lesson is like a wound that will never heal. Learn the lesson! Bandage that wound! And begin the healing process!

Eviction Notice

It’s finally moving day! Your new place is quite a distance from your old place. The route is much more scenic than the old place. It’s taking you more time to get familiar with the place. But gradually you are becoming familiar with your new surroundings. You see; the old place had become cold and dreary as time went on. While the new place is colorfully warm and cozy. You became a creature of habit and became accustomed to the low grade environment of the old place.

The problem is that landlord realized you were no longer a model tenant. You were late on the rent, didn’t keep up on the maintenance as originally promised. You completely ignored the beauty of this grand estate. You have taken so much from value of the residence that it will take time to renew what once so beautiful. It’s time for you to go because you have violated every aspect of the lease.

You have been evicted from her heart; the place where love once lived. Kindly vacate the premises! The residence will be completely renovated to accommodate the prospect of starting anew.  She is finally strong enough to hold interviews with potential new tenants. These new tenants are willing to pay first, last and a lifetime security deposit.

#lolathemovement #lolaquote #lolainthecity 

For our Men

Gentleman (and I use this word lightly) when will you begin being the head of our households again? When will you grow up and take your place as men? When will you stop abandoning what was literally created of your own flesh? When will you stop abusing your ladies physically, mentally and spiritually.

The current state of many households is systematically broken. With no spiritual foundation the physical foundation will be unstable. There comes a time when we all must grow both physically and spiritually. As it stands right now there are hundreds of thousands of households being reared by women and children. Yes the children are playing the role of the absent parents. Poverty, abandonment, sexual abuse, mental disorder is now plaguing our families because of the lack of help and consistency from the absent parents.

Dear Men,

I want you to know that I recognize and realize the importance of your role in the family, household, church, community and nation. I recognize that you have been systematically and spiritually lynched and broken. I recognize and realize the generational curses that have plagued you for centuries. But only you can change YOU. You must begin by acknowledging that there is a problem. Then you must seek help. You will fall flat on your face, but only for a moment. Do not allow anyone to dictate what God has intended for your destiny. Take hold of your lives! Stop being pawns and puppets! Take care of your spirit, your women, your children! If you don’t change now, your children and grandchildren will have weak foundations to stand on.

Your Queens and Your children
#Lolathemovement #attainablelovepromises #movementmotivationchronicles #mylolamony #lolafesto