Back to Our Roots

“I am a descendant of strength, honor and greatness. I am courageous in the face of prejudice and adversity. I am hopeful that we can come together and unite as a people. Being weak is no longer an option! Stand strong in every situation and circumstance!”-Lola the Movement

The world watches as our sisters degrade themselves and continuously tear each other down. We listen as they hurl foul words at each other; which is a far from the proper grammar many of us were taught to use. Our daughters watch as many of us over expose our private parts for the public arenas. Using sexuality as a tool to get money, men or likes has become the norm. The constant degradation of our sisters leaves nothing to the imagination. It is has been a long time coming, but its time that we “cover up our assets” and begin the process of rebuilding our broken parts. We want to set better examples for the young women who are looking to us for guidance and protection. None of us are perfect, but we all have the ability to do better. Queens! Let’s create a better example for the younger generations. Let’s be mindful of the way we represent womankind. Let’s set our standards high so that we can reach your God given spiritual pedestals.

The world also watches as our brothers abandon their families; not always by choice, but often by circumstance. We are horrified as they kill each other (reppin’) “blocks” that they don’t even own. We listen as they cowardly plot to sleep with, use and mentally abuse clueless women with no intention of loving them. They are aggressive, disrespectful and rude. So many of them claim to be ‘glorified gangstas’ these days! So many men, who are physically built to work hard, are now sitting at home while his woman is working two jobs trying to make ends meet. Men are verbally, emotionally and physically tearing down their women and children. They are habitually maintaining two or more relationships at a time with no empathy for the women and children who are being hurt along the way. MEN! Get over yourself! Be accountable for your actions, apologize for the bad things and begin to work towards the good things! Stand up my kings! We need you to take your rightful place within the family unit! You are the head of the family/household! Current and future generations are depending on you! Be accountable for everything you do. Create a lasting, positive legacy that will make us proud!

Hear my cries as I pray for us to embrace the royalty we represent. We are beautiful people! From our thick, curly hair to our full, supple lips we represent royalty. We have skin that is as deep as mahogany wood and as fair as sweet cream. Let us enrich our minds, bodies and souls so that we may have a fighting chance to win the spiritual battles that we will surely face.  I ask you to please reconsider your loyalty. Remember the Most High God that governs our lives. Let us embrace one another in a way that will make Him proud. We are gifted and blessed beyond any circumstance if we just remain steadfast in our faith. We are here now and have the ability to prove our naysayers wrong. We must not accept weak because we are strong! My brothers and sisters I ask you to encourage one another.  We are an embodiment that represents strength, courage and wisdom. Be an example for each other, our children and future generations. Take a good look in the mirror because they will one day become trees of the seeds we planted.

Share this mantra with everyone you encounter: I am beyond your thoughts of me. I am beyond the negative words you speak of me. I am greater than any harm that comes to me. I am gifted and blessed you see. I have brilliantly devised a plan to cover your negative energy in prayer and positivity. Amen!

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for continuously forgiving us. Help us to rebuild our broken hearts, minds and spirits. Help us to seek You when the enemy attempts to cross our paths and change our destiny. Create in us clean hearts so that we may start anew. Redirect our steps so that we may walk a more righteous path.


The Box

After losing my mother about 2 years ago. I swear my life has been at some what of a standstill since then. I am still functioning from day to day, but it is purely by memory of routine. I often feel like I am in a bubble that I can’t manage to pop. This catastrophic event has changed me in such a tremendous way. Even though I try to smile, laugh or even socialize; I am truly disconnected.

As days turned into months we began going through her personal effects. This was a simple but tedious task. There were books, papers, pictures and clothes. We pretty much sorted through everything and when we were done we placed the remaining items into a box. A box! Her 64 years on this earth was now in a plain cardboard box. When you consider all the things that a person has accomplishes in their lifetime; it is unbelievable to look over at a box and acknowledge the fact that this is what remains of person.

As time went on; the box was placed in a corner of my living room. It collected dust and a few additional items here and there. And then I started to “think outside the box.” She was so much more than these material possessions! She migrated here from Honduras. She was a hard worker. She eventually married and had 6 beautiful children! Of those children she had 16 grand children and 1 great grandchild. We are her legacy. We are the good seeds she has sewn into this universe. We are her greatest creations. We are surely not limited to a box. We, by God’s grace, will continue to expand and grow in love, honor and light. Right now my guess is that she is lingering around each and every one of us. We are carrying all her hard work and accomplishments into fruition. Her spiritual box was indeed much bigger, stronger and more heavy then that cardboard box could ever be.

“Prayer Suggestion”

Honorable Most High God! We thank You for this moment. Thank You for the ability to grow and expand as a people! Thank You for our ancestors, family and legacy that was here before us. Remind us of our blessings, value and the importance of reciprocity. Please, continue to guide our steps, words and actions. We give You all the praise and glory. Amen!

We Broke Up; What Now?

Being the second half of a romantic relationship can prove to be quite challenging! In the beginning it’s all sweet and lovey! You snuggle into that “lovers stage!” You know that stage when you make sure to highlight and share all your “good qualities.” Making sure to skip all the bad ones. You are getting to know each other. There’s lots of questions. You’re holding hands, kissing and hugging. It’s exciting because everything is fresh and new. As time goes on you become familiar with your mate’s likes, dislikes, cute little quirks and even their annoying habits. It’s all fun and games until you realize this person may not be right for you.

Sometimes relationships just don’t work out. Whether it be the timing, infidelity or irreconcilable differences; not all relationships end with a happily ever after. There isn’t necessarily any rhyme or reason. Being compatible with another person can be extremely difficult no matter how hard you try to make it work. A relationship requires a serious commitment. Especially because you will be dealing with a different person each day. Let me explain…. We are growing and changing with every second that passes. So neither you nor your mate is the same person you were yesterday. Each day comes with its own set of issues. As we grow our maturity level changes, as does our tolerance and our love. Your love for your mate may grow, but it can also dissipate in capacity. If it’s the latter (dissipate love); what once made you love them no longer does. And when that happens I’m pretty sure “issa wrap.”

Your hopes and dreams were to be a part of this “great relationship!” You wanted to build a solid foundation within your relationship; while simultaneously maintaining your individuality! After all you have been through, you needed to make sure this time would be different. You felt good about this relationship. You were extremely happy and content. But as fate would have it you just couldn’t make it work. It’s over now.

Where do we go from here? How do you coexist peacefully with the one who once had your heart? Here are a few tips that I learn along the way.

1. Forgive. Forgiving yourself and your former mate is a way of releasing any animosity that may linger in your heart. Often when we are in a relationship we lose our sense of individuality and begin to consume and harbor a lot of spiritual waste. Releasing those things will surely ease some of the burden of your former relationship.

2. Pray. Prayer and meditation are extremely important. Through prayer we communicate with God and through meditation He communicates with us.

3. Reaffirm and embrace your individuality. After all, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself just for the sake of being with someone else. Remind yourself of all the things that make you unique! God created you for a specifically wonderful purpose!

 4. Remain single at least 3 seasons before attempting to date again. Reevaluating the things that lead to the break up can help to determine what not to do in your next relationship. Plus you need time to renew and rebuild your broken parts. Take your sweet time because some where out there God is preparing your perfectly imperfect mate.

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High God. Thank You for allowing us to see this day. Thank You for the blessings we have and will receive. Thank you for the gift of unconditional love. Thank You for the ability to love You, ourselves and others. Thank You for removing certain people and things from our lives so that we may do Your will. Create in us clean hearts so that we may forgive any and every one who we feel has wronged us. Help us to work on our ability to communicate with others emotionally, physically and spiritually. Help us to have the strength and discipline to remain separate of romantic relationships until You see fit. Walk with us as we prepare ourselves for the possibility of true love. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!



Our Greatest Gifts

Most people who become parents are automatically transformed the day their child is born. Speaking as a mother, the love I feel towards my children is indescribable. This love will last beyond a last breath; it is stronger than the most powerful force and greater than all of the universe. No matter how they grow and mature, we want to comfort, nurture and protect them by any means necessary. We try our best to encourage and guide them down positive paths so that they can live good lives. There is an awesome love that comes with having a child. Neither distance nor time can take that “love” from you. It is your eternal gift.

For the last few weeks I have been in a crisis with my children. An issue that was beyond my control. I sometimes worry so much that whatever I am going through will start to consume me. I know the kids get nervous because I yell, I fret and I physically shut down. I honestly try my best to find the good in even the most difficult of situations. I suppose that the good part in this situation is that I am who I am and they are MY children. I am a God fearing woman. I am a praying woman. I am an anointed woman. I am a spiritually grounded and directed woman. I know that God is protecting us so; as long as my faith remains strong, my children and I will be good.

Truth is, there will indeed be storms throughout our lifetimes. Some that we are prepared for and others that we won’t even see coming. When we pray, it covers a multitude of circumstances and situations. Pray for everything whether it be good or bad. I know that we sometimes want our prayers answered immediately. It may not always seem this way; but our prayers are not in vain. God answers our prayers in His own perfect timing. When we pray constantly and consistently, we are covering ourselves and our children in the event of any situation that presents itself.

In the meantime, we must pay attention to our children. They are observant creatures and often pick up on whatever energy we are emitting. Constantly reassure them that they are loved, cared for and very necessary in your life! Watch them as they grow and respect them as they settle into their individual personalities. Allow them to flourish within their individuality even if you don’t agree with their choices. Listen when they speak to you silently. (think about that last sentence for a few minutes) Often times there are indirect signs that reveal what our children want us to know. Create a happy, peaceful and open environment where children feel safe and comfortable to talk to you. I thank God for the relationship I had with my parents because it helped me as I learned how to create those same relationships with my own children. Take control of your children before they go out into the world. Because once the world gets them, they may never return to you the same way.

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High God. Thank You for creating life. Thank You for the ability to conceive, grow and bare children. Thank You for the children of the world. Cover each and every child in the world. Walk with them and talk with them all the days of their lives. Please continue to guide their steps, thoughts and actions. Create in them pure hearts so that they may enjoy being children for as long as possible. Rebuild broken homes and families. Replace what each family lacks with faith, courage and stability. We proclaim these things in Your love and light. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!

You Are Not Qualified To Love Me

After being a part of my fair share of relationships, I have come to several conclusions! Truth is, you never truly know the extent of how much a person loves you. Unless you are spiritually connected to someone, you will only ever know what they tell you. Or perhaps through their actions we can see, feel and hear how much they love us. Luckily the way our souls are naturally meant to entwine with others; we have a chance to experience true love.

As a woman, I believed that I was doing everything right. I was independent and maintained an attractive outward image. I went to church, I had a good job, I cooked and cleaned. Although, I can’t say that I have always made the best choice when it came to romantic relationships; I still worked on myself constantly. I was spiritually grounded, honest and loyal. Loyal in the sense that I didn’t cheat, but disloyal by bad mouthing my mate if the relationship didn’t work out. I wanted everyone else to feel what I was feeling I suppose.

Now that I have matured into a God fearing, strong minded woman I can make better choices. I now know my worth and how important I am to this world. I recognize and realize who loved me for the moment, for a season or for a lifetime. I feel as though I have mastered the intentions and behaviors of most men that claim to be interested in me. I often failed to make the best choices; especially because I was blinded by the sex, slick talk, or purposeful ignorance(meaning that I ignored all the red flags, their faults and shortcomings for fear of being alone). The reality is that these so called men(boys) that I trusted with my heart, mind and body were absolutely NOT QUALIFIED to love me the way I deserved to be loved! As they say, actions speak louder than words! Let’s just say, I heard their actions loud and clear!

At this stage in my life I refuse to allow anyone to use or abuse me. I have worked hard on rebuilding my spiritual foundation. I am so much better now that there are no distractions blinding my vision. I may be single, but I am happy! I may sleep alone, but I am not lonely! I may not have a man, but I am not waiting up at night wondering where he is! I am content with my life, my mind, my body and my soul! I have done very well loving myself unconditionally. Any man that wants to be with me will need to show and prove their intentions and absolutely meet the qualifications to love me! A man would have to stimulate my mind before attempting to stimulate me physically. I want to learn about my man, learn with my man and learn from my man! I want to make sure that I am fully uplifting, exalting and inspiring my man.

Truth is we often make assumptions about our romantic relationships. We assume that how we feel is how our mate feels. We assume that love is a two way street. We assume that they value our love just as we value theirs. It is time that we stop assuming! The value you place on your love speaks volumes about state of your relationship! You are worthy to be loved especially because of the greatness that your love exudes! This beautiful gift of love that abides within you should be constantly nurtured, replenished and reciprocated. Your love portion is very necessary to the atmosphere. Some where out there is your perfectly, imperfect love mate waiting to love you unconditionally. In the meantime, make sure that you are loving yourself constantly and consistently!

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High God. Thank You for allowing us to see this day. Thank You for creating in us hearts with the ability to love ourselves and others unconditionally. Please continue to guide us and protect us when it comes to matters of the heart. Help us to love You first and to love ourselves second. Remind us of the value of our vessels. Help us to preserve our temples as we await the arrival of our true love. Create in us clean and renewed hearts. We proclaim these things in Your love and light. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!


Lolafesto, much like a manifesto, these are some of my personal goals, desires and dreams. As I transition into my 44th year of living, it is an immense honor to still be amongst the living. Thank You God for blessing me to see this moment.

My life has so much more meaning now. After losing my mother (Bebe) in 2015, my heart literally broke. I had overcome so many things that could have broken me. But I had no idea how to LIVE without my Bebe. Nothing else mattered to me after watching her transition to eternal life. It’s one thing to lose your mother, but to watch as each breath was likely her last was something totally different. I needed to pray over her physically lifeless body. I needed to talk to God to make sure He was waiting for her. I needed to make sure that the nurses took care of her beautifully angelic body. I assisted as they washed her up for the last time. I held her head as they turned her over to change her bedding. I brushed her hair and made sure that she looked presentable. I was doing for her what she did for me from the moment I was conceived. And it felt wonderful!

In those moments unfamiliar strength built up within me. God was preparing me for the next phase of my life. This chapter will indeed be the most powerful. Everything that I ever wanted to be all boiled down to this moment! I have never loved as much, hoped as much, prayed as much or cried as much as I did within this season!

I am a powerful, praying woman! I have known about my gift of spirituality since I was younger. I just didn’t realize what to do with it until about 15 years ago. I have been working diligently to edit the first book that I wrote. I am so very proud of my effort, determination and courage to finally share my truest self with the world. My book is very necessary for me and so many others who suffer in fear, silence and misunderstanding. I intend for my words to be a source of healing and strength for myself and others. I pray that my loving words are absorbed, planted, sewn and harvested from our souls and then into the atmosphere.

So today as I celebrate my 44th year of living, I am also celebrating my son Matteo’s 8th year of living! What a blessing to share this day with my baby! I look forward to celebrating with you all as I embark on the most powerful season of my life!

I wish you all love, peace and light


Love Heals All Things

I woke up with love on my mind. The kind of love that could only exist spiritually. That organic kind of love that can never be tainted!

A week ago (Feb 2017) I attended the funeral for my friend’s (my 🇭🇳 family) son. It was a great service that highlighted this young man’s life in the most beautiful way. Although we were there for our final physical farewells we were comforted in knowing that his spirit will live eternally.

Once the service was over I decided to go a few doors down (not a coincidence) to my home church Jubilee (New Covenant). It was for a very special occasion. I had not been to my church in over a year. After my mom died (11/24/15) I was extremely emotional and sought out support from specific members of my church. The outcome was just not what I expected so I separated myself for a bit. (Huge mistake, but I have learned the lesson in this situation. You see I didn’t have the courage to verbally admit my part in all that was happening around me. I was not my being truest self. My spiritual instructions fell on deaf ears.)

I have been attending (not as active as I could have been) for over 15+ years. It was called New Covenant at that time. Although it was a large church, I fell in love with my church immediately. From the praise and worship, to the youth ministries to the classes and workshops. I was hooked! Most importantly “the word” as told by the Bishop. It was nothing short of amazing! I was able to relate, recite and decipher the word effortlessly. As time went on I shared my love of my church with everyone I encountered!

So now back to last Saturday. My beloved Bishop and First Lady were renewing their wedding vows for their 50th wedding anniversary! 50 years of loving God, themselves, their children, church and community together! Words cannot explain my emotions! One thing I should have already mentioned was the extreme importance of marriage and family in my church! After God, marriage and family are of the highest importance! Their 8 adult children (All Pastors!) walked with them as the wedding party. The ceremony was intimate, loving, spiritual and God filled. You could feel the love in the air. It was definitely a “had to be there” kind of day.

I recall my own marriage being tested (2004) with less than a year celebrated. I immediately sought out a Pastor (Pastor Roland Cooper) from my church. This amazing Pastor reminded us of our human side. He talked about the importance of honesty and respect. He asked us constantly how much we loved God and each other. My husband and I met with him several times before finally deciding to separate (about 3 years into the marriage) after the birth of our second son and before the birth of our third son. (if that makes sense) It was after my marriage fell apart that I started really attending church, taking membership classes (long over due) and preparing to be baptized (again). Regardless of a few minor setbacks, my life was going extremely well and I was content.

Before I began writing this post around 5:30 this morning I said a prayer so that I would gather the right words. I could have written this a week ago but I wasn’t ready and God’s timing had yet to be conceived. I wanted you to get a clear understanding of my purpose in writing this post. This post is not necessarily about church, marriage, family or death. This post is about the many different facets of love! The kind of love that can only be born of truth, honor, understanding and  commitment. Love that has endured distance, time, hate and even war! Love that has looked adultery, dishonor and hypocrisy in the face and spiritually crushed it! You need to know that when God places these words into my spirit, it is crucial that I share them because you needed to hear it! Someone out there needed these words to build their faith, courage and trust! Someone who couldn’t find the right words on their own! Someone who lives in such fear that all they needed were these words in order to make it through a storm!

Oh how I love my God given talents and assignments! I am out of breath as I am typing these words. As if I am racing the clock. But these perfectly particular words are set precisely into the atmosphere and submitted to the proper recipients. My wrist hurts. My arm is tired but I can’t stop until I know that every word, every emotion, every instruction and every order is placed deep into each intended spirit.

So there you have it. Your messages. Read them. Study them. Absorb them. Honor them. Love them.

Love Always,


Woman of the Earth


Let’s talk about relationships! Relationships nowadays are extremely difficult! Especially because so many of us allow everyone on social media into our private lives! So many of us put our relationships into to the public arena! People scrutinize every single thing we do because we allow it! Social media has been the downfall of many a relationship. Everything you do doesn’t require a status post!

I am speaking from the perspective of a woman. I have had my fair share of relationship woes. And I have made tons of mistakes within my relationships! But I am deeply saddened by how often we (women) expose ourselves for the sake of love possibilities or companionship. We should not have to compromise ourselves in order to be with someone. No one is worth your tears, heartache or pain. We are tolerating abuse at record levels these days. And I don’t necessarily mean physical abuse. Mental and spiritual abuse can be just as detrimental as a punch in the face! Physical wounds will eventually heal. But spiritual abuse can sometimes last a lifetime! We want love and commitment but we aren’t always willing to put in the work! This work begins within. No one else can give you what already resides within your spirit.

We have all been there! Being in a relationship that is just not good for us! There are so many reasons like insecurity, abuse, immaturity or even something as simple as timing. Because we sometimes lack the knowledge of self and unconditional love for ourselves; leaving the relationship is just not easy.

I am not an expert but I have mastered and demanded respect and love for myself. I deserve to be a part of something great and so do you. You are an amazing person.  Know it! Live it! Breathe it! Speak it into existence! Make it known right away! Do not sacrifice your God given blessings for the sake of loneliness! In this day and age there are too many options out there for us to be settling for less. Love does not hurt! It is not boastful! I don’t care if the person is your husband, boyfriend or child’s father! If he is not treating you with love and respect consistently; then wish him well and walk away! If he has a history of bad relationships, please reevaluate this relationship! When a person shows you who they are, please believe them! Under no circumstances should a man abuse you sexually, physically or mentally! Remain faithful to God’s word that He will prepare your perfect mate! Now is the time for us to prepare ourselves for our mate’s arrival! Take a step back and consider celibacy until he arrives. Yes I know that is a tough one, but consider at least a season of celibacy if you aren’t married or in a committed, monogamous relationship.

“My Dearest Queen,

You are a unique creation. You exude love, honor and beauty of unparalleled dimensions. Nothing on earth compares to you beautiful woman; queen mother of the earth. Your vessel carries life into this world. You carry such a prestigious title; WOMAN. At the very least your heart should be placed on a pedestal. Make sure that you constantly remind yourself of your importance on earth! Command that others treat you like the royal jewel that you are!  Always speak these words into the atmosphere on behalf of your sisters, daughters and mothers!”

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for blessing us to see this day. Remind us of the great power that resides in our women. Thank You for creating women, mothers and wives of the earth. Place in us hearts of self-love so that we can maintain our spiritual virtues. Remove all forms of abuse from our realms. Create in us clean hearts so that each moment is a new beginning. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen.

Black Identity


“May your soul be absent of color, but present of love ♥”

– Lola the Movement

Black is the darkest of all colors. It is where mystery resides. It is the color thieves wear to make themselves inconspicuous. Historically it became how people of a darker complexion or of African decent were identified. This 5 letter word; by definition also means harmful, soiled and threatening. But scientifically black is the absence of color. Regardless of that scientific fact; society has turned the word “black” and associated it with all things negative.

Since the beginning of time our blood, sweat and tears have built up this country! We have planted and sewn countless seeds that have produced endless harvests! As a token of appreciation for all our sacrifices to this country; we were given the shortest month of the year to celebrate our cultures and history. Historically we have been mistreated, misunderstood and often undereducated. There was actually a period of time where it was illegal for “black/colored folks” to read or write! Our lack of self knowledge left us stagnant in history for centuries. I completely understand that the conception of these injustices occurred decades ago. BUT it will forever be OUR history! No amount of time will ever erase what has already been done to us! This country teaches us that we are one nation under God. How true is that statement? What I mean is; did the people who abused, kidnapped, raped, beat or condemned us ever believe that statement? Prejudice and discrimination are learned characteristics. Sadly these characteristics will more than likely be permanently etched into to this country’s quilt. Beneath the pigment of our skin, we are all human and should be treated equally. We will never stop fighting for equality! We are just as important as our fair skinned counterparts. Truth is they are the colored ones; scientifically speaking that is..

Let this be yet another history lesson for all of us. We are authors. We are writers. We are presidents. We are first ladies. We are fathers. We are mothers. We are sons. We are daughters. We are proud of our culture and heritage. We are creating history with each passing moment. What legacy are you building for future generations? We are better than the stigmas that society has placed upon our shoulders. We are strong and have the ability to leave positive impressions in history. Regardless of what has happened in our former days; we can make a difference in our latter days.

“Prayer Suggestion”

All praises to the Most High God. Thank You for allowing us to see this day. Thank You for creating so many different cultures in this beautiful world. Help us to respect our own culture; as well as every culture under the sun. Help us to respectfully perform the proper due diligence when dealing with others. Create in us hearts of resilience, forgiveness and reciprocity. Continue to stay in the midst of every storm. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!

I am Worthy


Today, I decided that I am worthy. I am worthy of receiving the best that life has to offer.  For thousands of years we (humans) have been judged by the color of our skin, our nationality, race, looks, clothes, shoes and even our culture. You name it, we’ve judged it! Many of us have been afraid to express our creativity because of our fear of criticism or rejection. What we often fail to realize is that we were not put here to please humans! You must only live up to the standard of the Most High. Nothing or no one can top that. Not now, not EVER! You have been blessed with something that no one can take from you and that is your spirit. That’s your most powerful piece of individuality. Hold on to it and nurture it daily.

You are better than the rumors about you! You are bigger than the names they call you! You are greater than the actions against you! Work on becoming a warrior of peace and spirituality! Don’t ever allow anyone to treat you like you aren’t worthy of greatness! We have been conditioned and built with resiliency! No weapons forged against you shall prosper. Hold on to your faith and the promises of the Most High! Don’t be fooled by negative humans! Look towards tomorrow and try to be a better person than you were yesterday. If no one else sees your worth just know that God does and so do I. You are destined for greatness!

Repeat after me: “I am an awesome, unique being and will never be duplicated! I embrace myself and the good works I have created within. I will not allow anyone to treat me like my feelings don’t matter! I am a product of all things born of love, honor and positivity!

Prayer Suggestion

 All praises to the Most High. Thank You for allowing us to see another day. Please continue to guide us into the path of faithfulness. Remind us of how much You love us so that we can love ourselves and others. Remove all envy, jealousy and fear from our hearts and souls. Create in us hearts of enrichment so that we can build strong foundations within. Teach us to be attentive to our own needs so that we may become upstanding souls. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen!