Take Your Trash Out!

Have you ever watched the show Hoarders? It is about people who have a hard time letting go of material things. Things like books, soda cans, newspapers or even trash. It is dangerous and unhealthy to live in such an environment. This same thing applies to your spirit. Hurt, anger, failure, broken hearts are all things we tend to hold on to for various reasons. It’s time for an intervention. When you pray and give things to God, they are no longer yours. Get in the habit of releasing the “trash” within your spirit daily. Release the would haves, should haves and could haves. When you hold onto unhealthy feelings within, your spirit will eventually feel like a spiritual dumping ground. Release all these unnecessary feelings so that you can be set free. Stand up for yourself and be confident that you deserve to be exalted! You have no room for anyone else’s garbage! Things are meant to be with you for a season, a reason or a lifetime! Not all the above! Recognize what was meant to be and move on. God will always be with you to help you along the way. He just wants to make sure you put that trash out when the time comes! It garbage day, put the trash out!!

Embrace Your Purpose

The act of renewing the spirit should be constant and consistent. I know from experience that holding things in can burden your heart and darken your soul. As humans we shed layers naturally; the same principal should apply to unnecessary things that reside within our spirits. It can be difficult; especially when new issues arise simultaneously. Once you have made the decision to let something go; you can begin the renewal process. Do not waste anymore words, thoughts or energy on anyone or anything you have let go.

Your stability is critical to your future. Once we begin the process of removing drama, separating ourselves from bad relationships and avoiding negative energy; it allows us to have better control of our lives and destiny. We cannot control anyone but ourselves. Allow people to grow at their own time and focus on you and the direction of your own journey. You are a unique being that was created for a specific purpose. Many of us walk through life never knowing that purpose. You may never experience your purpose if you keep allowing clutter to cloud your mind, body and spirit. Prayer, meditation and solitude will help bring clarity to any situation. It will allow you to determine the importance or relevance of having certain people or things in your life.

I hope and pray that you are able to renew your spirit and began anew. Bid farewell to your past and embrace your destiny.

Letter of Disclosure

Letter of Disclosure

This blog/website has been designed to offer support and encouragement.

I am not a psychiatrist, licensed social worker or psychologist.

I am a woman that has walked down an all too familiar road time and time again.

Although I may offer my opinions, I am not responsible for any actions committed by any member of this group that may become a potential liability to anyone’s person and/or property.

I hope that this experience will allow you to be uplifted, filled with laughter and strengthen your character.

I ask that each of you enter this site with an open mind and heart. Thank you in advance


Lola the Movement

The importance of Words

“A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Matthew 7:18”

“There are those who speak rashly, like the piercing of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18”

We are often faced with circumstances and situations that will harden our hearts. We are confronted by people who disagree with us, want to hurt us or harm us. Then there the people that we love that are just not good for us. Some people are simply so infested with ignorance, arrogance and hatred, that they will literally poison our spirits. It is often in our best interest to avoid those people at all costs. Especially for the sake of our sanity and peace of mind. As prayerful people we must still pray for these people. No matter how you feel about them. This will surely be a test of your strength, will and faith. You will develop similar hateful feelings towards others if you aren’t careful. Create peace in your heart so that your thoughts become more loving.

Do not allow the actions, words, or behavior of others to deter you from your destiny. Stay true to yourself and what you believe in. Practice words and actions of peace, knowledge and love so that you may be a good example to others. You will surely reap what you sow. Your blessings will come at moments when you don’t even see them coming. Trust and believe that all things happen in perfect timing.

All praises to the Most High. We come to You on bended knee asking for Your forgiveness. Please remove all anger, animosity and resentment from our hearts. Help us to place positive energy within our spirits so that we may transfer this energy to others within the atmosphere. Place in us hearts of forgiveness for those who hurt us. Amen

What Do You Represent?

It is crazy how so many of us push the limits with God’s order. We want to rush things and test the waters when we know we should be standing still. Opening your mind and allowing God’s perfect timing into your spirit. No matter what you might think or how you attain certain things, if it wasn’t intended for you then it isn’t yours. Period! Yes this means other people’s husbands, wives, identity, money, clothes etc. Some of us are living so sinfully and then wondering why our blessings keep missing us. We are living however we want as long as our own selfish needs are being met. Often we forget that there are so many children in this world that are living by the examples that we set for them. Anything that is in God’s order for your life shall be established in His perfect timing. It is time that we live virtuously so that we can be fully prepared for what is truly ours.

Do you want a better career, house or even husband/wife? Then you have to work for it. You have to study, do research and spiritually prepare yourself. Remove anyone from your life that is a not positive role model. They say that your character can be determined by the 5 people you spend the most time with. Think about that for a moment… Who do you spend the majority of your time with? Keep in mind that there is a spiritual presence in all of us. So if you are spending time with a man/woman who commits adultery, the aura of all the other man/woman will forever be with them. If you are hanging around people who are negative, mean and disrespectful surely their bad aura will surround you as well. Remove yourself if only for a season and reevaluate your life. Think about how you want to live the remainder of your life and the quality in which you want to live it. If you have children, what you do now, will be the legacy you leave to them. The goal should be to break generational curses like broken homes, single parenthood, substance abuse, sexual addiction just to name a few. We all make mistakes especially when we allow our flesh to guide our actions. We often forget that every action we take in life will be judged by God the Father.

Our lives are the greatest and most valuable gifts we have been given. If we live today and die tomorrow, what will be said about us? What positive contributions to life have you provided? It is time we face reality. God has and will always forgive those who seek forgiveness. But He also knows the wants, needs and desires of our hearts and souls. So you may think you can hide, but God sees all things, hears all things and has explicit knowledge of all things. Let us stand proud and be more conscience of the way we are living and also how we are treating one another. Make sure you are trying to lead by a good example for the sake of the younger generation. We still have time (God Willing) to get this thing right! Let’s Go! I am praying for all of you that you will receive what is truly yours. Be blessed my loves!