Woman of the Earth


Let’s talk about relationships! Relationships nowadays are extremely difficult! Especially because so many of us allow everyone on social media into our private lives! So many of us put our relationships into to the public arena! People scrutinize every single thing we do because we allow it! Social media has been the downfall of many a relationship. Everything you do doesn’t require a status post!

I am speaking from the perspective of a woman. I have had my fair share of relationship woes. And I have made tons of mistakes within my relationships! But I am deeply saddened by how often we (women) expose ourselves for the sake of love possibilities or companionship. We should not have to compromise ourselves in order to be with someone. No one is worth your tears, heartache or pain. We are tolerating abuse at record levels these days. And I don’t necessarily mean physical abuse. Mental and spiritual abuse can be just as detrimental as a punch in the face! Physical wounds will eventually heal. But spiritual abuse can sometimes last a lifetime! We want love and commitment but we aren’t always willing to put in the work! This work begins within. No one else can give you what already resides within your spirit.

We have all been there! Being in a relationship that is just not good for us! There are so many reasons like insecurity, abuse, immaturity or even something as simple as timing. Because we sometimes lack the knowledge of self and unconditional love for ourselves; leaving the relationship is just not easy.

I am not an expert but I have mastered and demanded respect and love for myself. I deserve to be a part of something great and so do you. You are an amazing person.  Know it! Live it! Breathe it! Speak it into existence! Make it known right away! Do not sacrifice your God given blessings for the sake of loneliness! In this day and age there are too many options out there for us to be settling for less. Love does not hurt! It is not boastful! I don’t care if the person is your husband, boyfriend or child’s father! If he is not treating you with love and respect consistently; then wish him well and walk away! If he has a history of bad relationships, please reevaluate this relationship! When a person shows you who they are, please believe them! Under no circumstances should a man abuse you sexually, physically or mentally! Remain faithful to God’s word that He will prepare your perfect mate! Now is the time for us to prepare ourselves for our mate’s arrival! Take a step back and consider celibacy until he arrives. Yes I know that is a tough one, but consider at least a season of celibacy if you aren’t married or in a committed, monogamous relationship.

“My Dearest Queen,

You are a unique creation. You exude love, honor and beauty of unparalleled dimensions. Nothing on earth compares to you beautiful woman; queen mother of the earth. Your vessel carries life into this world. You carry such a prestigious title; WOMAN. At the very least your heart should be placed on a pedestal. Make sure that you constantly remind yourself of your importance on earth! Command that others treat you like the royal jewel that you are!  Always speak these words into the atmosphere on behalf of your sisters, daughters and mothers!”

Prayer Suggestion

All praises to the Most High. Thank You for blessing us to see this day. Remind us of the great power that resides in our women. Thank You for creating women, mothers and wives of the earth. Place in us hearts of self-love so that we can maintain our spiritual virtues. Remove all forms of abuse from our realms. Create in us clean hearts so that each moment is a new beginning. We give You all the praise and glory, Amen.

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